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What's the beef with sugar??

Writer: Katharine StewartKatharine Stewart

A giant burlap sack of sugar
Your daily dose of sugar, circa 2024

I's Halloween! The start of the holidays, or should I say the SUGAR-days?

So, what's the beef with sugar anyway? Let me explain!

  1. Are you pre-diabetic? This is a big no-no unless you'd like to get full fledged diabetes. Even if your mom, sister, cousin, hairdresser and dog has it. It often/usually can be avoided with diet!! Genes are NOT a life sentence. You can turn their expression off, or on with lifestyle! This also includes high carb, highly processed foods like chips, pretzels. Yes, even the salty, processed stuff is like sugar in your blood stream!

  2. Do you have anxiety? Did you know sugar and high carb foods can create more anxiety? They spike your blood sugar, then crash your blood sugar. Usually all day long. When your blood sugar tanks, it can feel like a panic attack! Heart racing, sweaty palms, dizziness. If food helps you feel better right away, that is a sign it was a blood sugar crash! So what's the beef with sugar? The artificial highs and lows increase anxiety!

  3. Want a strong immune system? Then avoid sugar and high carbs. They decrease your immune system, leaving you open to colds and flus! Maybe it isn't inevitable you get sick every holiday season! Maybe it's the sugar!

Am I saying never eat sugar?? Let me explain!

If you are crazy addicted to sugar, perhaps, you can't really have a little here and there. How do you know? One bite and you just can't stop! Did you know for those with a sugar addiction, one taste of sugar activates the part of your brain that cocaine lights up. Whoa!

So for you, I'd avoid it!! Try honey, or dates to satisfy that sweet tooth. They do not stimulate the same part of the brain as cocaine. It is a good start. There are tons of great no sugar dessert recipes out there- elana' is my favorite!

If you're not addicted, try my "Little House on the Prairie"plan.

If you don't know the show, or the books, which I devoured as a kid over and over, It's about a poor country family. In their day, sugar was a luxury. They couldn't afford it. But, once or even a couple times a year, they had a sugar treat- a birthday cake or 4th of July pie. Even Nellie Olsen, the rich shop owner's kid, did not eat sugar with her breakfast, lunch and dinner!

What's the beef with sugar now? Let me explain! Today it is often consumed not just every meal in cereal, breads, pasta sauce and soups, it is in every beverage from coffee to smoothies to soda. It is creating sick kids and sick adults. Eat it once in a while as a treat but seriously stop the constant intake! That's the beef with sugar!

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day is only 4 days! Sure, eat sugar then. Of course Hanukah has 8 but maybe refrain on most of them. But don't turn it into from here on out until your New Year's Resolution!

Be well, much love, Kate



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